Alabado, Adrianna (Compressed).jpg

Adrianna Alabado

“I am proud to support Suzanne Droubie for Pima County Assessor. As a young voter and Tucson native, I understand the importance of electing those with a shared focus in helping our community thrive.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Suzanne for the past three years and was thrilled to learn she would be running for Assessor. Suzanne is professional, knowledgeable, and her selfless commitment to our community is truly noteworthy. Her inclusive agenda to create clear lines of communication and help educate constituents of ALL ages is refreshing, and frankly, much needed.

Please join me on August 4th in voting for Suzanne Droubie as the first female Assessor in Pima County. Suzanne CAN and WILL make a difference.”

Presented on June 12th, 2020